bash script standard file header
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -o errexit # Exit immediately when a command fails.
set -o nounset # Treat unset variables and parameters as an error when performing parameter expansion.
set -o pipefail # the return value of a pipeline is the value of the last (rightmost) command to exit with a non-zero status, or zero if all commands in the pipeline exit successfully
# Set VAR to DEFAULT if no command line argument exists
# Functions and local variables
local name="$1"
echo "Hello world: ${name}"
# if then
if [[ "$NAME" = "Dirk" || "$USER_NAME" = "Jose" ]]; then
## Directory exists
[[ -d ${file} ]]
## File exists
[[ -e ${file} ]]
Delete all directories that are empty
find . -empty -type d -delete
Filter only email addresses from file
grep -EiEio '\b[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,4}\b' <filename>
Networking tools
- ipcalc: calculcate broadcast, network, etc range for a given IP address and netmask
- prips: print the IP addresses in a given range
docker build . -t djg:1.0 # Build an image with the anem and tag djg:1.0
docker run -p 8080:5000 -d djg:1.0 # Start container detached with port 8000 forwarded to port 5000
docker container ls # List running containers
docker exec -ti my_container sh -c "echo a && echo b" # Run more processes in a container
docker stop my_container # Stop container
docker run -it bash # Run bash container interactively and connect to terminal
docker start -ai my_container # Rerun a container
docker inspect my_container # Inspect my_container
docker volume inspect volume_id # Inspect volume_id
docker images # List docker images
docker ps -a -s # Show information about running containers
docker system prune -af --volumes # Clean up everything and don't ask
docker rm $(docker ps --filter status=exited -q) # Remove all stopped containers
docker run -it --rm --platform linux/amd64 alpine # Run x86-64 alpine image
# list indexes
GET /_cat/indices?v
# list disk allocation
GET /_cat/allocation?v
# delete an index
DELETE my-old-index
JSON tooling
A great overview of jq:
Download sample data: ```wget -O rki-covid.json ‘*&outSR=4326&f=json'````
Format document:
jsonlint rki-covid.json
jq '.' rki-covid.json
Query data:
# Extract all fields
jq '.["fields"]' rki-covid.json
# Extract first field
jq '.["fields"][0]' rki-covid.json
# Remove all whitespace
jq -c '.' rki-covid.json
Make JSON greppable
gron rki-covid.json
# Make all jpeg files in a directrory smaller
mogrify -strip -quality 75% *.jpg
Go through a file in chunks
while mapfile -t -n $NUMBER_OF_LINES ary && ((${#ary[@]})) ; do
echo "${ary[@]}"
# ... do something useful here
done < input_file